• 世界各国から次世代のリーダーが姫路に集う 第31回 国際アカデミー in 姫路


国際アカデミーとは?What’s JCI Academy?


At the International Academy, representatives of the youth conference centers of each country (people planning to become the top next year) gather in Japan and do training to become a leader who is active at the international level. Together with each other to overcome the challenge, so to speak "Let's eat the same pot of rice" life as long as five nights and six days, "tomorrow's leaders" all over the world deepen friendship, "my region and country" It is the purpose of establishing world peace and development that does not go beyond.
This international academy is held in Japan every year. The venue for 2018, which is the 31st year, is our native Himeji. At the International Academy, apart from "Training" as mentioned above, events such as homestaying in general families and touching local nature, history and culture are also held. It is a great opportunity for people who have great influence on politics and economy of the country to gather from all over the world to like Himeji and become a fan of Himeji.


Members of the Youth Conference Center gathered from all over Japan will participate in the International Academy, along with "the top prospector of the following year" of the youth conference center around the world. Participants in the International Academy are called "delegates". Approximately 80 overseas delegates and many domestic delegates will participate in this year's international academy.
Overseas Deli Gates and domestic Deli Gates will, in principle, make a team of two people. This relationship is called "buddy". Several buddies gather together to make a group of about ten people, experience the program together with this group unit, and do a discussion.

  • JCI
  • JCI 公益社団法人 日本青年会議所
  • JCI 公益社団法人 姫路青年会議所
  • 開催地プログラム(仮)
  • エクスカーション(仮)

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